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Results for "tradition: "Arts "
Thomas Merton, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and the Protection of All Beings Poets who wrote to liberate others.
Three Lines in a Circle How a simple and bold design representing nuclear disarmament came to inspire people around the world.
Just Like Rube Goldberg An improbable and inefficient chain reaction of a life that winds up making perfect sense.
Angel in Beijing A luscious exploration of the streets of Beijing through the eyes of a little girl searching for her kitty.
Who Reads Poetry Praise for the good medicine of poetry.
Theosony Musician Noirin Ni Riain on how grace depends on the sounds of God.
Overwhelmed A thought-provoking look at the plight of working women, our time-starved culture, marriage and family life.
Moments That Made the Movies A selection of magical moments in 70 films released during the past 100 years.
Attention Sassy probes on attention through the ages and in our times.
Contagious A peppy primer on advertising, pop culture, and yearnings.