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Results for "tradition: "Sacred Feminine""
Red Hot and Holy Sera Beak on serving the world with a capital "S" service that you were created to do.
Urgent Message from Mother A clarion call for a woman's peace movement to combat violence in all sectors of our lives.
Love and Soul Envisions a spiritual culture based on love and honoring the soul of the world.
The Secret Life of Bees Sue Monk Kidd's passage exploring the inner nurturing of the Black Madonna.
Sophia Mines the connections between Sophia and mysticism, creativity, healing and the sacred in the natural world.
Ponderings from the Precipice Designed to spur readers to a more vivid sense of their role as co-creators in the evolving story of the universe.
The Sophia Teachings A nine-hour audio retreat about Sophia's unfolding in philosophy, mythology, and religion.
A Human Search Much to tell us about Divine Presence, mysticism, and re-imagining Christianity.
Blood, Bread, and Roses Surveys the significance of this riual upon human culture and consciousness.
The Myth of the Goddess Stories and beliefs expressed in different cultures.