Literary Wisdom

It is good to renew one’s wonder, said the philosopher. Space travel has made children of us all.
─ Ray Bradbury, American science fiction writer and screenwriter

Native American Wisdom

Great things happen, blessed encounters take place when you throw yourself on God’s mercy and people’s kindness.
─ Jose Hobday in Stories of Awe and Abundance

Spiritual Wisdom

Kindness is a gentle form of love. When kind to others, we demonstrate the very best of what it means to be human. It takes practice, persistence, patience, and seldom comes without a price. But it has a big payoff.
─ Harold G. Koenig in Kindness and Joy: Expressing the Gentle Love

Psychological Wisdom

If you grow up in a family with strong rituals, you’re more likely to be resilient as an adult.
─ Steven J. Wolin, American psychiatrist

Sufi Wisdom

Bringing ritual into the kitchen is actually a way of coming back to the center of yourself. A Turkish teacher while describing how to cook an egg, said to me, “All the qualities of a spiritual teacher can be found in a person who can cook an egg perfectly.”
─ Anne Scott in Serving Fire

Quaker Wisdom

There is a teaching in the Quaker tradition that the service begins when the meeting is over.
─ Diane Berke in The Gentle Smile

African-American Wisdom

If you feel like you can’t do anything, stand there, pray and resist with your soul force.
─ Clarence Jordan in Clarence Jordan: Essential Writings

Next Post: Becoming Beautiful