Read an excerpt on yearning.

Rav Michael Laitman has studied Kabbalah for more than 30 years and presents a scientific approach to spiritual evolvement that is based on the writings of Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag and other great Kabbalists. He defines someone who follows this path as: "a person who studies the system of creation through inner efforts. This person looks deeply into him-or herself and performs actions called tikkunim (corrections). This way he or she climbs the ladder of the spiritual worlds to the end of correction, to complete equivalence of form with the Creator and total adhesion with Him. That can only be attained through the wisdom of the Kabbalah, and only a person who has already been awakened to spirituality can come to that."

The book is divided into chapters on great kabbalists throughout history, the system of creation, the evolution of souls, the significance of the present time, freedom of choice, the path of correction, and the challenges of changing reality. He also writes about the importance of the Torah, the mystical interpretation of the Zohar, the journey of the soul, the role of desire, the development of the sixth sense (to see beyond this world), the upper laws, adhesion with the Creator, and the need to give and to be altruistic.