Niles Elliot Goldstein is the founder and Rabbi Emeritus of The New Shul in New York City. He is the author of many books including Gonzo Judaism and God at the Edge. Theology and spiritual systems need not only to discuss God, they must also give attention to the development and improvement of the individual spirit. Just after his rabbinic ordination, he received a black belt in karate. He believes that this physical discipline has served him well over the past 15 years and helped him as a religious teacher and counselor. He also has found great inspiration in Jewish mysticism, the Kabbalah, which has provided an understanding of the battle for a more balanced, integrated soul. In this compelling book, Goldstein provides a step-by-step program for contemporary searchers to become spiritual warriors.

Using teachings and practices from sages, mystics, biblical figures, and his own experiences as a rabbi, seeker, and martial artist, Goldstein presents eight essential qualities of the spiritual warrior. The first is openness, the ability to surrender to the unknown and to accept our vulnerability in the face of many obstacles. The second is introspection, the process whereby we confront the shadow dimension of the human personality and the role it plays on the path of inner development as we confront anger, fear and other volatile emotions.

As we continue our journey toward self-improvement, we exercise three more qualities: discipline, courage, and creativity, which polish the soul. The last three qualities in the repertoire of the spiritual warrior are stamina to go the distance and roll with the punches, restraint to hold back our power as we "season and strengthen our souls," and the perseverance to see past our defeats and losses as we forge ahead into fresh beginnings.