Marsha Sinetar continues to explore the depth dimensions of labor that she began with the bestselling Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow. The author believes that ordinary people can find work that is rewarding — both to themselves and to others. Sinetar outlines seven inner qualities of entrepreneurs who have found great personal satisfaction in their jobs. One of the most appealing dimensions of her approach is the high regard she has for the spiritual virtues of vocation, discernment, inner direction, and service of others. Entrepreneurs who have matched their talents to the work they love, according to Sinetar, are individuals with high spiritual intelligence. Whether you are out of work or interested in reframing your job, this book will speak to your soul. An abridged version of To Build the Life You Want: Create the Work You Live by Marsha Sinetar is available on two cassettes from Audio Partners (ISBN 0-945353-99-5, 1-800-231-4261).