This nine-hour audio retreat contains twelve sessions on which Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee explores the Sufi path. He spent ten years studying with Irina Tweedie, author of Daughter of Fire: A Diary of a Spiritual Training with a Sufi Master. Since then he has written nine books on this transformational spirituality.

Using illustrative material from the teachings of Bayezid Bistami, al-Hallaj, Rabi'a, Rumi, and Ibn 'Arabi, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee explicates the mystical path of love. It revolves around the homesickness of the soul and the yearning we all have to return to God. It involves polishing the heart and prayer as a natural way of being.

Vaughan-Lee sees problems as a ladder to God, a way to keep evolving as God's beloved children. He talks about the challenges of confronting our darkness (the shadow) and using our dreams as guideposts to the future. He sees love as a way to shatter attachments and to live in the presence of the Holy One. This audio retreat reveals the paradox, the intoxication, and the ecstasy of the Sufi path.