As New Dimensions Radio host Michael Toms points out on this tape, Ram Dass has served as a reflective mirror for many spiritual seekers over the years with his use of psychedelic drugs, his encounters with Eastern religions, and his recent volunteer work through the Seva Foundation. On these two tapes Ram Dass about his spiritual journey, noting that meditation has helped him respond to change without fear and contraction. He also discusses the New Age, the value of equanimity, contentment, and inner work.

The best part of these interviews revolves around Ram Dass's understanding and practice of compassionate service. He quotes the Dalai Lama: "Be a good person, it will liberate so much good energy in you." He believes that there is a need for us to work with our own pain before dealing with the suffering of others. Also, don't be attached to results — just do what you have to do by following the instinctive and intuitive outreach of your heart. For all who believe in the curriculum of service, this is an excellent and insightful resource.