This paperback is the follow-up to Julia Cameron's bestseller The Artist's Way. The author challenges her readers to sift through their lives in order to get in touch with their God-given creativity. The journey to our creative hearts will take us through seven kingdoms including story, relationship, attitude, and possibility. As our guide, Cameron uses material from 15 years of leading workshops and seminars. She presents tools of inner play (secret selves, creative clusters, expansion music) which she hopes will lead to personal growth, renewal. and healing.

There is also a smorgasbord of tasty quotations to savor including the following by Barry Lopez: "It is the imagination that gives shape to the universe." And from Ernest Holmes: "When we conceive a new idea we are thinking directly from the creativity of God. God is both the inventor of a game and those who play it, the author and the actor, the song and the singer." The Vein of Gold is tailor-made for those who relish inner prospecting.