• Divining the Body: Jan Phillips compellingly calls us to take seriously the Divine Presence within our bodies.
  • Sacred Trees: Nathaniel Altman kindles within us a greater love and reverence for trees.
  • At Home on the Earth: David Landis Barnhill edits a collection of essays by some of America's best nature writers on cherishing the earth.
  • The Ten Trusts: Jane Goodall and Marc Bekoff offer wise counsel on the creation of a interspecies community based on mutual caring and compassion.
  • What Are People For?: Wendell Berry reveals a vision of life informed by a deep reverence for nature and place.
  • Albert Schweitzer: Editor James Brabazon brings together selections from the writings and talks of Albert Schweitzer on Jesus, music, Africa and the reverence for Life.
  • At the End of Ridge Road: Joseph Bruchac's fine philosophical memoir is laced with Native American spirituality and reverence.
  • Peace to All Beings: Judy Carman offers prayers, affirmations, and ethical activities for animal lovers.
  • Wisdom from the Earth: Anne Voigt and Nevill Drury explore the ways in which Aboriginals in Australia have seen the land as the altarpiece of their spirituality.
  • Somebodies and Nobodies: Robert W. Fuller presents a watershed work calling for a dignitarian movement based on reverence for the personhood of all people.
  • Earth's Echo: Robert M. Hamma draws us inexorably into a new reverence for the beauty, mystery, and unity of the Earth.
  • Earth, Water, Fire, & Air: Cait Johnson celebrates the important and reverent role the elements can play in our spiritual practices.
  • The Attentive Heart: Stephanie Kaza shares 27 poetic and persuasive essays about her I-Thou relationship with oaks, maples and Douglas firs.
  • Respect: Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot demonstrates how respect can accelerate the transformation of our private and public lives.
  • Shinto: C. Scott Littleton's rounded and well-organized guide to Shinto, the indigenous Japanese religious tradition.
  • Crossing Open Ground: Barry Lopez makes a good case for the ecological vision which reverences all plants and creatures.
  • A Haunting Reverence: Kent Nerburn opens up his heart and all of his senses to appreciate the harsh grandeur of northwestern Minnesota.
  • Singing to the Sound: Brenda Peterson reveals her deep respect for besieged animals and environmentally damaged places.
  • In God's Name: Sandy Eisenberg Sasso offers a reverent children's book that conveys the many faces of the one God.
  • The Gary Snyder Reader: Gary Snyder's essays on culture, ecology, and the wild mind convey his reverence for the natural world.
  • Zen Computer: Philip Toshio Sudo models ways to show respect to a computer.
  • Red: Terry Tempest Williams demonstrates for us the spiritual practice of reverence as the author expresses her deep love and respect for the canyon country of southern Utah.
  • Reverence: Paul Woodruff delivers an eloquent and uplifting overview of the ancient virtue of reverence which was held in the highest esteem by the ancient Greeks and Chinese.

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