• Remember the Titans: This story of an integrated Virginia high school football team shows how respect is a flinty antidote to the virus of racial hatred and bigotry.
  • The Bear: A film about a cub's scramble for survival in the wilderness that manages to speak out eloquently against the hunting of animals without having to depict killing to make its point.
  • Butterfly: An inspiring documentary about Julia Butterfly Hill that serves as an initiation rite into a spiritual relationship with the Earth.
  • Dr. Dolittle 2: A raucous sequel to the 1998 comic blockbuster in which the veterinarian who can talk to animals tries to help his friends save their forest habitat.
  • Family Tree: Presents a sturdy look at family solidarity, community, and the value of tradition.
  • From the Heart of the World: A documentary about a South American Indian tribe and their plea for ecological sanity in a time when the earth is being ravaged by so-called civilized people.
  • Kestrel's Eye: An extraordinary film that leaves you with a feeling of deep reverence for the kestrels.
  • March of the Penguins: An extraordinary French documentary on the lives and habits of Emperor Penguins in Antarctica.
  • Philadelphia: Conveys the hornet's nest of ignorance, prejudice, half-truths, and devastating lies connected with AIDS.
  • Sacred Planet: A stirring film that challenges us to learn from the indigenous peoples of the world about living in harmony with the good Earth.
  • Two Brothers: An extraordinary film about two wild tigers and the human beings who are changed irreparably by their encounters with these magnificent and mysterious creatures.
  • The Witness: An extraordinarily moving documentary about an animal lover's crusade in Brooklyn.

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