Discussion Questions, Storytelling, Sharing

  • Talk about a person, an experience, an activity, or a thing that has been a spiritual teacher for you.
  • Share a story about something you have learned from a difficult person or an enemy.

Imagery Exercise

Colette Aboulker-Muscat has been teaching the use of imaginal techniques for healing and spiritual growth since she was a young woman in Algeria. Her experience with thousands of doctors, patients, and students lends authority to this exercise she created on the role of the teacher in the spiritual life.

Close your eyes and breathe out three times. See and know how it is possible to accept a direction from a teacher, a master, an analyst, a rabbi, a minister.

Breathe out one time. Sense how this accepted direction is freeing your mind, is permitting progress, development, and some cures.

Breathe out one time. Live how some destructive habits have been abandoned under the direction of a good teacher and a good example.

Breathe out one time. See and live how the example and teaching of a master in discipline is bringing you new energy and a new future.

Then open your eyes.

Journal Exercises

Write about the most important spiritual teacher in your life. What did he or she do for you? Then listen to your inner teacher and write about what you have learned from your life experiences. Finally, think about your gifts as a spiritual teacher. When and where have you given back the wisdom? Where else can you teach?