• A Celebration of Rumi
    Explore the gifts of the great Sufi mystic’s poetry, teachings, and personal witness. These readings about the life and significance of Rumi, plus video clips of poetry readings and meditations, speak to the universal yearning for a closer connection to the Divine; a spiritual vision that is at once sensual, celebratory and pensive; identification with nature and animals; embracing mystery; and most of all, love – in the way we treat our neighbors and in how we relate to the Holy One.
  • Teaching
    Read about teaching as a vocation or watch movies about idealistic teachers. These quotes from Parker Palmer’s The Courage to Teach and links to 18 movies about teachers encourage contemplation of how teachers live out the spiritual practices of Connections, Enthusiasm, Hospitality, Imagination, Listening, Meaning, Nurturing, Openness, Questing, Transformation, Unity, Wonder, and You.