Sooner or later, we must face facts: There are some rocks we can't lift. They are too heavy for us. Human beings cannot supply all our own needs. We must turn, sometimes, to a power beyond our own.

Well, how do we know there is a power beyond our own?

We don't.

We don't know much of anything. We have no proof of anything in the Bible, or of anything else the church has taught.

We don't know the things of faith. We believe them. To believe is to follow, to order our lives in trust. To live in trust.

And so we believe in God, because we have no other help but God. If we are to lift anything at all, we must call on God for help, for the time quickly comes when we are taxed beyond our strength. Then we must ask for more or do without.

Of course, we can do without.

We can remain addicted.

We can remain in a paralyzing state of anger.

We can remain in a state of shame. We don't have to give the heavy load of sorrows to God. We can hang onto it. We can just stand there, allowing ourselves to be crushed by its weight. We can do that.

But we don't have to.

Barbara Cawthorne Crafton, Let Us Bless the Lord, Year One