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Results for "content_type: %22Teaching%20Story/Scene%22"
Food for The Heart Ajahn Chah on the realization that conquered his fear of death.
Zen 24/7 A teaching story about paying attention.
Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Gandhi and Lassie A teaching story and advice on how to make sound decisions.
Teachings of Rumi A teaching story on devoting yourself to your spiritual transformation.
Simple Taoism A teaching story from Chuang-tzu on the equality of all things.
Stories of Awe and Abundance Jose Hobday telling the story of Joseph -- a Berkeley resident who reached out to one and all to provide a bit of good news.
The Great Conversation A teaching story from the Greek writer about the miracle of transformation.
Work as a Spiritual Practice A teaching story about Right Speech.
Sabbath A teaching story about the wisdom of waiting and resting.
Polishing the Diamond, Enlightening the Mind Jae Woong Kim on the power of the thoughts and images of our mind.