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Results for "keyword: "revelation""
Ralph Waldo Emerson Ralph Waldo Emerson on how divine revelation works.
The Language of Life Bill Moyers on poetry as honest language, memory, and wisdom.
The Second Mountain A reflection upon how annunciation moments can be life-changing.
Rediscovering Reverence A tribute to reverence and its circle of virtues.
Awe-Filled Wonder A lecture on the interface of science and spirituality in the spiritual practice of wonder.
The Showings of Julian of Norwich A rich and robust translation of the fourteenth century mystical masterwork.
Saved by a Poem Pablo Neruda's poem "Poetry," translated by Alastair Reid.
Re-Claiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World A revised tour of the Bible for those who are spiritual but not religious.
How to Be an Adult in Faith and Spirituality David Richo with a comparison between religion and spirituality.
Science and Religion in Quest of Truth The continuing dialogue between science and religion as a way of acknowledging both as truth-seeking endeavors.