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Results for "main_practice: "X-The Mystery", latest_content: 1"
What Is This? A question practice that connects meditation to everyday life.
Meister Eckhart Day Mystical meanings at the core of reality from the fourteenth century Dominican priest and theologian.
Birthday of Flannery O'Connor Gems from the southern Christian writer who conveyed the wild ways salvation crashes life's party.
The Wonder A mystery set in 1862 Ireland in which reason is pitted against faith as a nurse tries to figure out a so-called miracle.
Hallelujah: Leonard Cohen, A Journey, A Song The origin story of the spiritual song that has swept the world as a modern prayer.
The Five Levels of Soul Guided visualization and chanting to prompt a mystical experience of your soul.
Good Luck to You, Leo Grande An entertaining comedy with great performances from the leads that affirms both body and sex positivity.
Experience the Universe as God's Body A spiritual exercise especially for summertime outdoor excursions.
Mystery A liturgy affirming that we are one with the One who is Mystery.
Rabindranath Tagore The best introduction now available to this fascinating interreligious pioneer.