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Results for "practice: Imagination"
Drawing Your Inner Studio A creativity practice for imagining your inner life.
Shoni Labowitz in Miraculous Living It is the creative person who steps aside
Yitzhak Buxbaum in Jewish Spiritual Practices Before studying Torah, the Baal Shem Tov
Corita Kent in Learning by Heart Creativity belongs to the artist in each of us
See If Affirmations Will Work for You Encouragement and ideas for experimenting with affirmations.
A Ritual for Remembering Your Dreams Guidance for making a waking ritual to help you remember and learn from your dreams.
Catching Fantasies Look for recurrent themes in your mind's wanderings.
Difficult Bosses Easing your feelings of victimization.
Workplace Tedium Imagining that it's your last day at work.
Houses of Memory Letting imagination flourish.