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Results for "practice: Meaning"
A Most Wanted Man A poignant glimpse of the war on terror and the vulnerability of a burnt-out German intelligence operative.
Being in the World A bright and thought-provoking examination of philosophy and the authenticity of those who have passionately immersed themselves in life.
The Grey A suspenseful story about a depressed oil refinery worker in Alaska who leads six co-workers struggling to survive after their plane crashes in the wilderness.
John Mellencamp: It's About You A striking musical documentary about rock singer and songwriter John Mellencamp and the changes overtaking this musical genre and the heartland of America.
Sarah's Key An absorbing drama about Jewish persecution, the sting of guilt, and the struggle for survival.
Page One: Inside the New York Times A sophisticated look at The New York Times as it struggles to survive in a new media milieu of intense competition.
First Snow A psychological thriller with the message that knowing about your impending death has a way of focusing your life and making everything supercharged with meaning.
Grizzly Man A mesmerizing documentary by Werner Herzog about a young man obsessed with grizzly bears in the Alaskan wilderness.
Hamlet Mesmerizing screen interpretation of a vigorous man of action who sets out to accomplish his mission with firm resolve.
Rocky V Goes the distance as a parable about what is really means to have heart.