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Results for "community"
A Prayer for Those Helping Elders to Age at Home The First and the Last, we pray that you might help us deal with one of the most widespread and authentic fears of seniors and their families –the fear of aging alone with no one close to help the…
Links between Individual Giving and Institutions In an article appearing on the Greater Good website, Summer Allen reports on a research suggesting that our generosity might not only be shaped by the helper's high but also by our trust in the inst…
Building Bridges By Grace Doyle and Biruni Hariadi The Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom (SoSS) is a Muslim-Jewish interfaith organization that we, Grace and Biruni, are honored to be teen members of. The Sisterhood ha…
Practicing Democracy with Zion Real Estate I first came across Zion Real Estate when I was living in the Seattle area and was looking for reputable agents who would have the community’s best interests in mind. When I met the founder, Derek…
Reallocating Resources in a Democracy A democracy is supposed to reflect the will of the people. When people vote, speak out at community meetings, or protest, they are responding not only to particular politicians and parties but to th…
Prayers for Graduates Graduation is in the news — announced in grade school, high school, college, graduate school, and community newspapers. For families and friends, it's time to congratulate our loved ones. For grad…
A Troupe of Very Determined Ground Squirrels When I started gardening, I wasn't expecting to learn about resilience, hope, and how to fight for democracy. As a graduate student I spent the majority of my time behind a computer screen or with a…
The Color Orange One of my singular pleasures since leaving New York City and moving to Claremont, California, is squeezing myself fresh orange juice every morning. The campus of our intentional community has many o…
A Tiny Prayer for Those Affected by Tornados On Friday and Saturday, December 10 and 11, 2021, an unusually large outbreak of tornadoes -- at least 30 -- ripped through six states in the United States -- Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri,…
The Language of Connection By Po-Ting (Duke) Lin Attending activities at local temples, directing prayers to the souls of our ancestors, gathering with family around round tables during the Lunar New Year, and visiting gr…