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Results for "tradition: "Judaism""
Abraham Joshua Heschel Abraham Joshua Heschel on wonder as a state of mind that leads to amazement and gratitude.
God of Me Rabbi David Lyon's story about a young man who is told to honor his deceased father through good deeds.
Life's Daily Blessings Kerry Olitzky reflecting on the wonderment of waking up.
I'm God; You're Not Lawrence Kushner on the glorious, horrible mess we call creation as a continuous manifestation of the Divine.
Ethics of The Sages Wisdom from ancient sages on walking the path of holiness which makes us more human.
Kabbalah An imaginative and enchanting mystical novel about love, time, creativity, reverence, and the questions that matter in life.
Kabbalah For Dummies A substantive and enlightening overview of Kabbalah, past and present.
A Code of Jewish Ethics A treasure trove of ways to improve your character from Jewish tradition.
God's To-Do List Checklists and practical suggestions on the high and holy calling of repairing the world day-by-day.
Awakening to Kabbalah A rigorous introduction to the mystical spirituality of Kabbalah.