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Results for "tradition: "Sacred Feminine""
Let others light their candles Let others light their candles
Voices of the Sacred Feminine An independent scholar and social-justice activist advances the cause of the Sacred Feminine.
By opening up to the inflow of the Divine Feminine By opening up to the inflow of the Divine Feminine
Red Hot and Holy A spunky memoir about soul retrieval by a spiritual adventurer.
My Mama Earth A perfect children's picture book for Earth Day.
The Way of Mary 14 devotions on The Way of Mary, the mother of Jesus.
The Secret Life of Bees Sue Monk Kidd's passage exploring the inner nurturing of the Black Madonna.
Discovering the Feminine Father Bede Griffiths discusses the Sacred Feminine.
Women and Spirituality: Goddess Remembered Examines pre-Christian religions which fostered an egalitarian society based on human cooperation.
Joyce Rupp in The Star in My Heart If I stay in the darkness long enough