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Results for "content_type: "Roundup""
Spiritual Perspectives on September 11 A collection of reflections a year following 9/11.
Resources on the Journey of Faith Books and excerpts on faith formation and the journey of faith to complement the film Higher Ground.
Sacred Poetry - II To celebrate National Poetry Month, every day one new example of sacred poetry drawn from books we've reviewed.
Children's Books on the Unity of the Human Family A joyful new book series of photographic essays of children with their parents, grandparents, and animals.
Sacred Poetry - I A celebration of sacred poetry for National Poetry Month with a poem a day.
Jesus Books Brief reviews with links to full reviews of 50 books about Jesus of Nazareth, his life, teachings, and impact, that reveal the many ways he has been seen throughout history.
Prayers from Timeless Prayers for Peace Multiple Christian prayers for various settings.
Sacred Earth A collection of readings reflecting a spiritual relationship with the Earth.
100 Multifaith Resources Recommended resources for exploring the spirituality and practices of our multifaith world.
The Wonder Writers Seven writers whose works will turn you toward the pole of wonder.