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Results for "keyword: "social media""
Ascension A dazzling and enlightening documentary on China's capitalism, consumerism, and economic growth.
Is Anxiety a Way of Life for Our Generation? By Uday Schultz for KidSpirit's Fear and Anxiety Issue. We are the generation of stress. Generation Z, the Post-Millenials, Gen Tech, the young people of today — we are, more than seemingly eve…
The Snarling Citizen A hard-hitting collection of essays from one of America's most perceptive commentators.
Web Junkie A timely and thought-provoking documentary about efforts in China to deprogram teenagers addicted to Internet gaming.
Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump From psychologists who have a Duty to Warn, a scary portrait of the consequences of the behavior of President Donald Trump. …
Why We're Polarized A brilliantly insightful explanation of how negative partisanship has reshaped the political landscape in the United States.
The God Who Riots A Mexican-American activist's portrait of Jesus that may look unfamiliar to many Christians.
Sing Me a Song An exploration of the emotional undercurrents of the digital revolution in, of all places, a Buddhist monastery.
The Attention Merchants Practices and strategies for reclaiming our time and focus from the attention merchants.
The Quest for Relationship in Her What the film Her tells us about the gifts and challenges in our relationships with technology.