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Results for "practice: Compassion"
Finding Vivian Maier A documentary about the reclusive photographer Vivian Maier that is a bit weird and wonderful
After Tiller A sensitive and intelligent documentary about the compassion and heroism of four doctors.
Keane An unsettling psychodrama that opens our hearts to a mentally and emotionally troubled man.
ABC Africa A heart-wrenching documentary about efforts being made in Uganda to look after 1.6 million orphans whose parents died of AIDS.
I Remember Me A gripping documentary about those suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the shameful treatment they have received from the medical establishment.
Jung (War) in the Land of the Mujaheddin An extraordinary Italian documentary about the agony, suffering, and losses of the Afghan people who have lived in a war zone for 25 years.
Holy Smoke A shattering and intense drama dealing with spirituality and sexual politics.
Hidden in America A thoughtful portrait of both the perils of poverty and the difficult dynamics of compassion.
The Amazing Panda Adventure A fine family film about the ties that bind-both human and animal.
Rain Man An Academy Award-winning film starring Dustin Hoffman as an autistic savant and Tom Cruise as his narcissistic brother who form a genuine relationship.