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Results for "practice: Faith"
A Native American Theology Chapters on creation, deity, Christology, sin and ethics, and eschatology.
Give Me That Online Religion Reports on research on many aspects of online religion.
The Many Faces of Jesus Christ A substantive overview of Christologies from Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
spirituality@work Calls for practical disciplines that can enrich and deepen our labors.
Why Religion Matters Criticizes the present power and status of scientism and its cronies, technology and a relativistic understanding of existence.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions A must-have volume for anyone on a spiritual path.
The Book of Practical Faith Makes it clear why this spiritual practice is such an important part of the sacred adventure of life.
Shopping for Faith A thought-provoking analysis of contemporary developments in American religion and spirituality.
Religion in Exile Salutes the sacred horizons that beckon us onward.
The Battle for God An examination of the militant and vociferous voices of fundamentalists in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam from a period covering 1492 - 1999.