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Results for "practice: Listening"
A Prayer of Gratitude for Faith Sharing on the Internet Great and eclectic Communicator, we are so thankful for the many ways religious people are sharing their faith online as a complement to attending a religious service. POLL: In a recent poll, the…
A Litany for Economic and Social Justice Occupy Wall Street is an ongoing demonstration in New York City to protest economic and social injustices. Participants have moved into a park in lower Manhattan near Wall Street and have marched th…
What Kind of Activist Are You? Last summer when Black Lives Matter marches were taking place all over the country, the residents of our retirement community were upset. Most of them had been marching for good causes all their liv…
You to You: Process Theology and Prayer There are so many kinds of prayer and so many ways to pray. We can pray with words and without words. We can pray by reaching out into a vast mystery, the Deep Listening, saying "help" or "thanks" o…
Reflections from Asian and Asian-American Seminarians A few months ago I had the privilege and opportunity of meeting with several Asian and Asian-American seminary students in the San Francisco Bay Area. I wanted to create a space where they could ref…
Putting Others First Hindu Wisdom Life consists of these little things, and it is by putting other people first every day in a thousand little acts of kindness that we make ourselves perfect in love. — Eknath Easw…
On the Edge of a Maybe Happy New Year. Here's a prayer I return to often at moments of transition, beginning, and renewal. It's by Ted Loder from his book Guerillas of Grace.
Hearts Across the Divide This post has been contributed by Susan Strouse, a retired Lutheran minister who is author of The INTRAfaith Conversation and an organizer of an initiative called Hearts Across the Divide: Reclaimin…
Exercising First Amendment Rights "People have the right to protest — that’s what democracy is all about." — Condoleezza Rice, former U.S. Secretary of State Protests have always been part of movements for justice in…
Bursting into Light Movie Lines "There are other forms of intelligence on Earth besides humans." — Spock in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home