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Results for "practice: Openness"
Opening to Truth Scientific Wisdom I like to think of nature as an unlimited radio station through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in. -- George Washington Carver quoted in Rummaging for …
Honoring Everyone and Every Thing Catholic Wisdom Spiritual sensitivity heightens when we know how to see, touch, and taste the physical world with exquisite reverence and contemplative discipline. —Tessa Bielecki in Holy Dar…
A Prayer for the Women and Girls of Afghanistan August 15, 2021, Afghanistan. The Taliban, having defeated the Afghan security forces in other areas of the country, entered the capital of Kabul, thus solidifying their total takeover of the countr…
Building Empathy through Art The Minneapolis Institute of Art has received a $750,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and will use the money to create The Center for Empathy and the Visual Arts, or CEVA for short. …
Moving Toward Justice Mystical Wisdom The call to mystical openness is echoed across millennia of humanity's wisdom; it is the call to discover the unitary point of view that holds the promise of a more just and pea…
Welcome to KidSpirit Youth Voices on S&P Young people are brimming with vision and prophetic wisdom, and their voices are an essential part of conversations about spiritual life. Yet rarely are they invited to share their insight with othe…
The Ultimate Superpower by Gracie Griffin in KidSpirit's The Nature of Truth issue. Interfaith Connections is a column for teens to dialogue about how their faith or wisdom tradition influences their view of life’s bi…
The Missing “E” in Human By Adya Sarin for KidSpirit's Education Issue. It’s important to be humane and not simply a human. The only difference (literally) is the “e,” and that missing “e” is empathy. Empath…
Practices for College Student Life I first met Victor Akioyame when we worked together in the student affairs office at a small liberal arts university in California. We became close friends due to our shared interests and passion fo…