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Results for "tradition: "Judaism", latest_content: 1"
Autumn: Reflections on the Season Fall is a season for balancing light and dark, letting go, and accepting the impermanence of things. Here are quotes and recommended resources for reflections on this time of year.
The Wisdom of Solomon Deeds and teachings born of an understanding heart.
Isaac Luria Day Help to repair the world by raising divine sparks as recommended by this Jewish mystic.
Birthday of Raoul Wallenberg Honoring the risky, selfless courage of Raoul Wallenberg who saved the lives of more than 100,000 Jews during the Nazi occupation of Hungary.
Birthday of Abraham Joshua Heschel (PDP) Quotes to remember the wisdom of this Jewish teacher, theologian, and social activist.
Birthday of Anne Frank Remembering Anne Frank, whose voice echoes through the corridors of time lest we forget the nightmare of the Holocaust and the heroism of those who sheltered Jews.
What Would Jesus See A Jewish reminder of what the most famous rabbi in history was all about.
What Would Jesus See Learning to see.
Pesach (Passover) Suggestions for observing this Jewish Holiday.
Purim A celebration with cookies, a biblical story, noisemakers, and a chance to laugh at our enemies and ourselves.