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Results for "author_first: Brenda, author_last: Shoshanna"
Jewish Dharma An extraordinary book on the relevance of the teachings and spiritual practices of Judaism and Zen to every dimension of our lives.
The Anger Diet A thoughtful and practical resource on dealing with anger in your life.
Let Your Relationship Be Just as It Is A gradual release of expectations.
Serving God Through Joy A call to be happy and grateful.
Accept the Situation Reframe a situation causing you unhappiness.
Patience Through Choppy Waters Letting relationships run their natural course.
Return a Lost Object The crucial deed of making sure others have what belongs to them.
Let Others Go Give others freedom and you give it to yourself
Jewish Dharma Brenda Shoshanna's Zen story about doing by doing nothing and being present.
Zen Miracles Brenda Shoshanna on how our pain and loss in relationships is a disease lodged in our own mind.