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Results for "author_first: Mary Ann, author_last: Brussat"
Hieronymus Bosch: Touched by the Devil A fascinating documentary on the process of authenticating the art work of a choreographer of hell.
Ken Kiff's Man Greeting Woman A painting of an encounter between a man and a woman that conveys the joyful and playful spiritual practice of openness
Janis: Little Girl Blue Documentary on the life and times of the talented but troubled blues singer.
David Hockney: A Bigger Picture A remarkable documentary on England's most famous painter.
Alexander Calder An astonishing documentary that conveys the sculptor's ingenuity and boundless inventiveness.
Henri Matisse An edifying look at the life and artistic works of Henri Matisse.
Mandalas An adult coloring book for opening a doorway into the symbolic language of the soul.
The Spirituality of Art An evergreen work that will open minds, bodies and souls to the manifold meanings of human creativity.
Humans of New York Beautiful photography book that challenges us to listen to the stories of others and open our hearts and minds to urban dwellers.
Alberto Giacometti's City Square Responses to a sculpture piece that reveals human isolation, vulnerability, and indestructability.