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Results for "author_first: Sharon, author_last: Salzberg"
Doesn't matter how long we may have been stuck Doesn't matter how long we may have been stuck
Sharon Salzberg in Faith To be driven by fear
Looking at the world through quiet eyes Looking at the world through quiet eyes
Love Your Enemies Sharon Salzberg and Robert Thurman on feeling more alive by regularly practicing empathy.
Faith Sharon Salzberg on the difference between belief and faith.
Insight Meditation A comprehensive course in meditation from the co-founders of the Insight Meditation Society.
Voices of Insight An illuminating and spiritually rich collection of essays on the sacred journey, mindfulness and loving kindness.
A Heart as Wide as the World A watershed work of Buddhist wisdom.
The Mindful Path Talks about Buddhism as a pragmatic path that enables individuals to move through suffering and not be broken by it.
Lovingkindness A rounded and revealing treatment of this important Buddhist practice.