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Results for "tradition: "Arts "
Meaning: A Quest Throughout the Journey of Life Artwork by: Anna Chasnyk, Age 14 Written by: Mahnoor Ali Pervaiz At every stage of our lives, we encounter various transitions. From the moment we enter this world until our last breath, we are …
Kindness: The Passport to a Happy World Artwork by: Avishi Gurnani, age 12 Written by: Siddhant Raj Until a few weeks ago, I had no idea what kind of effort goes into the simple act of peeling a potato.
Meditating with Hildegard “There is the music of Heaven in all things.” — Hildegard of Bingen
Beauty and the Great Togetherness On a casual spring walk “I am waylaid by Beauty” in the spirit of the poet Edna St. Vincent Millay. The bursting redbud trees, fluting birdsong, and waving daffodils toss my rambling thoughts to…
Powerful Milkshake By Virginia Rodriguez There are countable moments that are happily memorable for me.
Variety's Best Movie Scenes of 2015 The staff of Variety, the entertainment trade publication, has put together a list of 14 of 2015's best movie scenes. We were quite interested to take a look at their choices. Years ago when we publ…
Sunflowers for Distressed Hearts "The sunflower is mine." —Vincent van Gogh
The Glass Wing By Lucca Carlevarini When I was six years old, I traveled to Costa Rica with my family. I made a fantastic discovery! A butterfly with transparent wings. This butterfly was so amazing and eye-op…
Welcome to My Commonplace Book A Commonplace Book is an annotated personal anthology. The curator gathers material that strikes his or her fancy: excerpts from books, quotes, poems, lines from movies, lyrics from songs, newspaper…