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Results for "practice: Zeal"
Feast Day of St. Teresa of Avila A tribute to the spiritual ardor and zeal of the sixteenth century Carmelite mystic.
The Pledge of Compassion A vow to be a compassionate citizen of the earth.
The Beginning and Ending Encouragement for ritualizing the beginning and ending of your day.
Setting an Intention A process for developing conscious intention for each day.
Prayer for Charity and a Preferential Option for the Poor A plea to be moved to compassionate action and social justice.
Listening to Your Body Suggestions for honoring your body's needs and its intuition.
Tossing Out Your First Draft Rehearsal drafts as opportunities to get into the swing of writing.
Making a Vow Using the spiritual practice of making vows to affirm that you can do what's hard.
Shower with Praise Expressing your appreciation for others.
David Steindl-Rast in I Will Not Die an Unlived Life The antidote to exhaustion may not be