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Results for "author_first: Barbara, author_last: Taylor"
There will always be people who run from pain There will always be people who run from pain
Learning to Walk in the Dark Barbara Brown Taylor on how in our beds in the dark, we face our nearness or farness from God.
Grace is strength for the work of transformation Grace is strength for the work of transformation
Learning to Walk in the Dark A study that models the questing spirit of creativity, openness, and playfulness in an examination of the manifold meanings of re-learning to walk in the dark.
An Altar in the World Barbara Brown Taylor on waiting as a kind of prayer and grace.
An Altar in the World A field guide to spiritual practices which can lend meaning and richness to our lives.
Silence An incisive examination of the spiritual practice of silence.
Speaking of Sin Claims that sin is a helpful and hopeful concept for Christians.
The Luminous Web Affirms the connections between the visible and invisible realms.
When God Is Silent Cherishes the mystery of God and the spiritual practice of reverence.