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Results for "author_first: Patricia Campbell, author_last: Carlson"
A Prayer for Our Role in Climate Change Image credit: Hurricane Michael on October 9, 2018, from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration As of this writing in October 2018, we're facing into the devastation of the third stro…
Sneezing Our Way to Agreement To be clear from the outset, I am not advocating sneezing in the vicinity of others during the current pandemic or at any other time. But did you know that a recent study suggests that hyenas use sn…
A Prayer for Awareness of Sanctity of Life On March 15, 2019, we awoke to news of 49 killed and dozens injured in shooting attacks at mosques in New Zealand, which had long been considered a haven from such violence. After shock and sorrow, …
A Prayer from Charlottesville Bestower of Peace, it is hard to know how to pray as respect and civility in the United States unravel at the seams. It's even harder to know how to pray when incivility turns murderous. Source: …
A Prayer of Gratitude for Bayan Claremont Bestower of Authenticity, thank you for people courageous enough to stand on principle even when it means risking the loss of needed funds. Our team at Spirituality & Practice is grateful and honore…
A Prayer for the Prospering of the Poor People's Campaign Visions for a more just and compassionate world can take decades to come to fruition. We now have the soul-stirring opportunity to be part of Dr. Martin Luther King's Poor People's Campaign, inaugur…
A Prayer for Pit Bulls Lover of All Creatures, in our experience a well-loved, well-trained pit bull is the gentlest of gracious creatures, the epitome of loyalty, albeit perhaps a bit shy. You could hardly have given us …
A Prayer for a Sober View of Disaster "No one ever understood disaster until it came," wrote Josephine Herbst in Nothing Is Sacred. Sadly, people who are now facing hurricane inundations, wildfires, and earthquakes know that feeling of …
A Prayer amid Global Decline of Biodiversity "One million species face extinction, U.N. report says. And humans will suffer as a result," observed The Washington Post on May 6, 2019. We surely have not yet run out of sit-up-and-take-notice war…
A Meditation on the Animals of Australia Ecologists at the University of Australia in Sydney estimate that nearly 480 million mammals, birds, and reptiles have been killed by the bush fires sweeping the state of New South Wales, according …