Search Results

Results for "keyword: "panentheism""
Henry David Thoreau An entry from Thoreau's journal about finding God in nature.
The Soul of Rumi Coleman Barks's translation of a Rumi poem of devotion.
The Soul of Rumi Coleman Barks' translation of Rumi's poem "There You Are."
A Stay Against Confusion Ron Hansen on the faith to see Christ in everyone.
Days of Awe and Wonder Christian theologian Marcus Borg on mystical experiences and the glory of God.
Life Prayers from Around the World William Stafford's poem on the spiritual practice of joy.
God-Birthing Michael Dwinell on seeing the present of the Holy One in the yearning of pro football fans.
Ordinary Grace Kathleen A. Brehony on how grace is always present.
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up Marie Kondo on treating your belongings with respect and reverence.
In Praise of Animals A poem by J. David Scheyer on x-the mystery.