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Results for "keyword: "social justice""
Howard Thurman in A Strange Freedom You must lay your lives on the altar
Transgender Awareness Week and Day of Remembrance Honoring the transgender community while recognizing the high rates of violence they face.
Anniversary of Liberation Theology An opportunity to remember that the Gospels give preference to the marginalized, despised, and defenseless.
Anniversary of the Signing of the Social Security Act (PDP) The anniversary of the federal law which provides retirement benefits, disability insurance, and support for the disadvantaged.
Opening Your Eyes to Social Injustice A Christian spiritual practice for developing a sense of social justice.
You Are What You Give Daily ways to give to charities and others.
Birthday of Confucius Honoring "Teachers' Day," which commemorates Confucius's birth.
Light to Light A blessing for political leaders.
Prayer for Injustice A prayer by Mother Teresa of Calcutta for those in the world suffering from injustice.
David S. Ariel in Spiritual Judaism The highest form of worship