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Results for "keyword: "tears""
Rumi in Love, Soul and Freedom The cloud weeps, and then the garden sprouts
The Gift of Tears Macrina Wiederkehr's praying with tears.
Lamentation In response to the death and destruction of war, wisdom on the spiritual practice of weeping.
Valentin Tomberg in Covenant of the Heart That tears have a purifying, rejuvenating, and light-bearing power
Joy and Sorrow Advice on using movies as a way to better understand joy and sorrow.
Loving Laughter A prayer for the gift of healing and loving laughter.
A Crying Room An entreaty to allow yourself to cry.
Rosabelle Belleve in It's a Meaningful Life Let there be such oneness between us
Making Room for Your Own Grief A meditation and breath prayer for something you are grieving right now.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes in Women Who Run with the Wolves I hope you will go out and let stories happen to you