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Results for "keyword: "touch""
Slime Endures We were introduced to the wonders and pleasures of slime when we visited the home of Elizabeth and Olivia, a friend's granddaughters. As videos of people shaping slime played on the TV set, they gav…
Make the Most of Your Sense of Touch Touch has been seen down through the ages as the oldest and most urgent sense. When we reach out to others, it often creates bonds that words cannot equal. Touch also breaks down walls of isolation …
5 Senses Meditation The holiday season from November through New Year's is for many people a challenging time, to say the least. So for our December ritual salon I envisioned a simple mindfulness meditation exploring f…
The Joys of Reading "Have a conversation with the author as you read. Underline passages that catch your fancy. Or, if you are reading a borrowed book or a library copy, copy favorite phrases into a notebook. Consider yo…
The Divine in Our Deeds Little Spirituality It is in the tiniest acts, the ones that no one sees, that we express who we are. — Virginia E. Lang in How to Bury a Goldfish Psychological Wisdom To be impatient is…
Housecleaning, Then Dinner? Silicon Valley Perks Come Home We remember how long it took us to see that scrubbing the bathroom floor, taking out the garbage, and dusting the bookcases were not meaningless housework but spiritual tasks which are no less impor…
Holy Moments Catholic Wisdom He is truly great who is great in charity. — Thomas A. Kempis in The Imitation of Christ
Amma: The Hugging Saint Amma is in New York City this weekend (July 5 - 7) so we are revisiting our resources about her incredible service. Amma, meaning "Mother," was born in India in a small fishing village in 1953. …
My Skin My skin is quite an astonishing organ performing a wide variety of services for me. Among them are serving as a selectively permeable sheaf for the body, protecting me from certain attacks, regulati…