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Results for "keyword: %22capitalism%22"
The Cost of Paying Attention "Attention is a resource; a person has only so much of it," writes Matthew B. Crawford at He wonders if it would help to envision an "attentional commons" where this precious resource w…
This Changes Everything Heard about the Internet's creepy next wave? If you haven't, Sue Halpern's coverage of four recent books on the subject gives you a front-row seat on the spectacle that is slowly and quietly unfoldi…
Stands Must Be Taken Teacher Wisdom "Stands must be taken. If I am to respect myself I have to search myself for what I believe is right and take a stand on what I find. Otherwise I have not gathered together what I …
The New Sharing Economy In the, Sandy Banks writes about how she first heard about the sharing economy. Her daughter was able to travel cheap in Europe by going online each day and finding a couch at a …
A Lament Over the Growing Gap Between the Rich and the Poor O Keeper of Justice in the universe, we are troubled about the inequality which is so rampant in the United States. Statistic: The top 10 percent of earners last year collected more than half th…
Can Spiritual Practice Strengthen Democracy? On November 19, 2019, students, staff, and faculty from the Graduate Theological Union and wider Berkeley, California, community came together for a workshop on democracy. Through rituals and conver…
A Litany for Economic and Social Justice Occupy Wall Street is an ongoing demonstration in New York City to protest economic and social injustices. Participants have moved into a park in lower Manhattan near Wall Street and have marched th…