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Results for "keyword: %22creativity%22"
Fertility Ritual for Creativity At the end of our Forgiveness salon, I asked my guests for suggestions of what rituals they wanted to explore next. A writer in the group asked for a fertility ritual for creativity. That really cau…
What It Takes to Say "Yes" to Life We are big fans of Victor M. Parachin, author of Eastern Wisdom for Western Minds and Eleven Modern Mystics and the Secrets of a Happy, Holy Life. In his blog, he shares the follow…
The Benefits of Inspiration In a well-done and needed essay in The Aspen Journal of Ideas, Scott Barry Kaufman, the Scientific Director of the Imagination Institute in the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsy…
Mountains and Meadows and Some Kind of Wonder by Allie McIntosh for KidSpirit's Creativity & Imagination issue. As I write this, I’m looking out over a wide, vibrant meadow. There’s a huge mountain staring back at me, snow-capped even…
Comfort Clothes Every fall and many winter days I go outside in my Western Stockman Outback Duster for another adventure in the wild city of Manhattan. I got the coat 20 years ago during a visit to Australia, havin…
A Prayer of Gratitude for Internet Creators and Curators Lover of Creativity, we are so thankful for all the creative and curating skills of so many bloggers and social network users. They enrich our lives immensely. Survey: A Pew Research Center surv…
Presidential Campaign Slogans One of the major delights of the voting process in our democracy is the time, energy, and creativity spent on presidential campaign slogans. They're meant to energize and inform the public so that t…
A Critic of Curb and Corner In an article in The New York Times, Michael Kimmelman pays tribute to the long and commendable career of Ada Louise Huxtable who started writing on architecture for The New York Times in 1963 becom…
The Art of Using a Book "Using a book, not reading it, makes us wise" is a motto from Geoffrey Whitney's Choice of Emblemes published in 1586. Reading it, I smile knowingly, thinking of my habit of nurturing a pragmatic re…
"I" is for Imagination There are those that look at things the way they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not? — George Bernard Shaw Often, the most intense forms of beauty ris…