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Results for "keyword: %22light%22"
Return of the Light Last year I wrote about how I had trouble marking the holidays and found myself in limbo after the New Year. Going into this year's holiday season I once again was not feeling inspired or excited ab…
On the Edge of a Maybe Happy New Year. Here's a prayer I return to often at moments of transition, beginning, and renewal. It's by Ted Loder from his book Guerillas of Grace.
"F" is for Forgiveness "Forgiveness is the only way to free ourselves from the entrapment of the past." — Richard Rohr I was recently approached by a young mother who told me that she was having trouble with f…
Meanings in Life Teacher Wisdom Sabbath is an incubator for wisdom. When we allow the rush and pressure of our days to fall away, even for a short time, we are more able to discern the essential truth of what lie…
A Prayer to Honor American Nuns In an article in The New York Times, columnist Nicholas Kristof reported on Pope Benedict's reprimand and criticism of American nuns and the organization that represents 80% of them. The Vatican lam…
On the Side of Life Zen Wisdom Buckle up and drive safely. Arrive and give thanks. That is Zen. — Philip Toshio Sudo in Zen 24/7
To Behold with Awe We continue to work on The Reverence Project, identifying many passageways into the understanding and practice of respect and awe. Recently, I came across a copy of Creation Spirituality magazine, f…
Forgiveness Ritual This ritual salon was co-created with one of my friends who approached me about doing something around forgiveness. He was in the process of reconciling with his father whom he had not seen for many…
"E" is for Enthusiasm “Enthusiasm means ‘one with the energy of God.’ It derives from root words pointing to be inspired and possessed by the Divine. There is something awesome about this spiritual quality. They…
Celebrating Diwali By Prerna Chaterjee for KidSpirit’s Rituals and Traditions issue. The autumn sun warmed up my bare arms and legs. Looking up, I saw the turquoise sky and the ragged clouds. I walked to the othe…