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Results for "keyword: %22sacred%20texts%22"
New Windows on The Cloud of Unknowing A new perspective on the classic mystical text demonstrating its profound relevance to a world in need.
Exploring the Psalms An opportunity to experience these popular Biblical texts richly through historical and poetic understanding.
Practicing Spirituality with Teaching Stories Ways to access and apply the universal truths and evergreen applications of favorite stories.
Lectio Divina The ancient practice of praying the Scriptures, a way of sacred listening rediscovered and renewed in our time.
Advent of the Heart An exploration of the Path of Heartfulness, coming into a deep awareness of the love of God.
World Wisdom Passages to reflect upon from the mystic heart of the world's religions.
Advent and Holiday E-Courses A collection of holiday opportunities for spiritual retreat.
Everyday Mysticism A holiday season array of quotes about contemplation, communion, and doing our part to mend the world.
The Gospel of Thomas A complete "starter kit" on this remarkable text considered to be the earliest of Jesus' wisdom teachings.
Wisdom for Living: The Parables of Jesus An exploration of the wise and revolutionary teachings of Jesus through the lens of the parables.