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Results for "keyword: %22seeing%22"
My Eyes Behold the Wonders I spent most of my childhood in my bedroom comfortably hidden away from the tensions and anxieties of the 1950s. I loved to read and my eyes became very familiar with the rhythms of long hours of my…
Seeing Beyond Expectations I first began listening to podcasts in the fall of 2015 and a favorite soon became Invisibilia, which “explore[s] the invisible forces that shape human behavior — things like ideas, beliefs, ass…
5 Senses Meditation The holiday season from November through New Year's is for many people a challenging time, to say the least. So for our December ritual salon I envisioned a simple mindfulness meditation exploring f…
The Art of Slowing Down in a Museum Most people who attend a museum want to leisurely explore and savor the art on exhibit. But in this article, Stephanie Rosenbloom reports that researchers have discovered that the average visitor sp…
John Berger, R.I.P. John Berger, a world-famous polymath — critic, artist, screenwriter, novelist, poet, dramatist, artist, commentator, and storyteller — died January 2, 2017, in the Paris suburb of Antony at the …
In Praise of Doing the Same Thing All the Time In a fascinating article on, Derek Thompson admits to being a creature of repetition when it comes to entertainment. He has almost memorized the movie Dumb and Dumber and is perfectl…
Prejudice Against Creativity By Elías Viveros Every one of us lives in a culture that is different, but I am practically sure that, between all of them, there is a common factor. Most people have a full life based on a seri…
The Glass Wing By Lucca Carlevarini When I was six years old, I traveled to Costa Rica with my family. I made a fantastic discovery! A butterfly with transparent wings. This butterfly was so amazing and eye-op…
Toward a Theology of Onions A first step in developing a theology of onions is to recognize how beautiful they are. When I watched the video above from the Spiritual Literacy DVD series​, using the words of Mary Hays G…