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Results for "keyword: %22understanding%22"
Women in Praise of the Sacred A poem by Hadewijch of Antwerp translated by Oliver Davies about love.
Neither Wolf nor Dog A Native American elder on sharing our wealth and revering all people (in a book by Kent Nerburn)
Who Speaks for God? Jim Wallis on understanding the true meaning of compassion as seeing the world through the eyes of others.
Touching the Earth Thich Nhat Hahn's meditation on nourishing love and understanding.
Beyond Belief Elaine Pagels on the meaning of Christian belief with questing as the vitality of spiritual seeking.
Kindfulness Ajahn Brahm on how fault-finding undermines the practice of kindfulness.
The Skeptic's Guide to Global Poverty Dale Hanson Bourke on the meaning of poverty.
Rewire Ethan Zuckerman on the need to see ourselves as citizens of the world.
Dreaming Yourself Awake A scholarly probe of lucid dreaming and dream yoga.
Moving the Mountain Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf on the need for multifaith understanding and cooperation.