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Results for "keyword: %22worship%22"
Holy Knees I remember in kindergarten singing and stretching to the rollicking song, "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes." What a lark it was to sense my body's amazing flexibility. At that early age there were i…
Prayers for Thanksgiving Today's news is troubling. Bombs are falling in Gaza and Israel. People are still suffering from the onslaught of Hurricane Sandy. Yet once again in the United States, we are asked to open our heart…
A Prayer for Safety as We Gather Together On Sunday, August 5, as Sikh Americans gathered for communal prayers in their temple south of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a gunman entered the building, opened fire, and killed six people and wounded thre…
Taking the Pulse of Religion in America A new survey of more than 35,000 U.S. adults by the Pew Research Center finds that the percentages of those who say they believe in God, pray daily, and regularly go to church or another religious s…
Holiness in the Ordinary Hindu Wisdom When a person has let go of attachments, when the mind is rooted in wisdom, everything they do is worship. — The Bhagavad Gita Devotional Wisdom We aren't just saying our pr…
Spirituality of the Daily Round Catholic Wisdom It is not necessary to have great things to do. I turn my little omelet in the pan for the love of God. — Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection, Catholic saint
In Both Past and Present Artwork by: Iryna Tsisaruk, age 15 Written by: Vincent Chang and Amy Bai The smell of the sandalwood was overbearing.
Heat & Practice & Pandemic News This summer many parts of the United States and elsewhere around the world have been dealing with unusual heat because of the weather and a different kind of heat generated by families living and wo…
Jewels of India By Niti Majethia for KidSpirit's Beauty and the Senses issue. I was born and raised in Mumbai, India, a country full of different traditions and values. India has a caste system with different…