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Results for "latest_content: 1, main_practice: "Peace""
The Monk and the Gun An insightful film about how Bhutanese villagers respond to changes coming through the influence of the West.
In Viaggio: The Travels of Pope Francis A pilgrimage with Pope Francis to visit the people and express his concerns for the world.
Guy Ritchie’s The Covenant A riveting war story that reveals the bonds that build between soldiers and interpreters
The Diplomat An eight-part series revealing the multiple challenges faced by a woman ambassador.
All Quiet on the Western Front Gripping and graphic portrait of the war that changed the nature of combat.
Barbara Lee: Speaking Truth to Power A truly inspiring portrait of a courageous and committed public servant.
Jimmy Carter Rock & Roll President A rollicking documentary about the former president's love of music and hospitality to musicians.
Parkland Rising An inspiring portrait of young activists for gun control reform.
A Towering Task: The Story of the Peace Corps An enlightening and inspiring 60-year history of the Peace Corps.
A Hidden Life An immersive story of a conscientious objector to the Nazis, his wife who supported him, and the community who didn't.