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Results for "main_practice: "Nurturing", latest_content: 1"
My Shoulders: Issues in the Tissues? When I was a teenager I remember being told by my parents and other adults to stand up straight. But my shoulders were already rounded and my chest caved in as if I were hiding. Jonathan Fields,…
Just Keep Swimming By Abraham Weitzman in the KidSpirit Resilience issue. My family places faith in DBT — Dialectic Behavior Therapy. DBT is based on a combination of accepting your feelings and behaving in a pos…
Keeping Custody of the Tongue on the Internet Talk Radio (1988) is a firecracker of a film about the shock-jock star of a popular late-night call-in radio show in Dallas, Texas. He's a verbal spritzer in love with his ability to handle the lone…
Early Morning Routines I rise at 4 a.m. as do many monks in their cells around the world. I am grateful for another day to bring pleasure to God and to serve others with resources for their spiritual journeys. I repea…
Holy Knees I remember in kindergarten singing and stretching to the rollicking song, "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes." What a lark it was to sense my body's amazing flexibility. At that early age there were i…
Dealing with Resilience Fatigue In a Wall Street Journal article dated February1, 2022, "Still Feeling Pandemic Miserable? There Are Ways to Dig Out," Alex Janin takes a cogent look at the findings of the General Social Survey con…
Cultivating Resilience One of the pivotal goals of holistic health care is cultivating resilience, the ability to absorb change and to bounce back from setbacks, disappointments, and failures. In an article in The Harvard…
Cats as Spiritual Teachers Charles Takes Care of Himself "But one day I really watched him. He was chewing on a piece of grass. He gave his full attention to that single blade. His body was still, his fur soft in the sun. …
Caring for the Moment Zen Wisdom Zen people often talk about "accepting the moment as it is." That's okay, but what we like even better is "caring for the moment" with the same lavish tenderness you'd bestow on a newb…
A Not So Quixotic Aspiration: What we can learn from Don Quixote In the tale of Don Quixote de la Mancha, sixteenth century Spanish writer Don Miguel de Cervantes challenges us to see that our most difficult and scary battle is within. That is the conclusion of S…