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Results for "Krishnamurti"
Krishnamurti As a spiritual teacher, he espoused intuition, dialogue, the value of doubt, the importance of intellectual freedom, and pacifism.
The Krishnamurti Reader A top-drawer collection of observations on the art of living.
The Krishnamurti Reader J. Krishnamurti on how great beauty leads to respectful silence.
Meditations Excerpts from this Indian spiritual teacher's books and talks on the art of meditation.
Where Can Peace Be Found? A collection of talks given in 1983 about the causes of war and violence and the pathways to peace.
What is Enlightenment? Uses the essays of 17 scholars to get at the meaning of personal transformation.
The Art of Peace A fresh interpretation of a Taoist classic.
Forty Stories to Stir the Soul Teaching stories from the world's religions with commentaries on them.
Three Steps to Awakening An insight meditation teacher's take on mindfulness.
Insights from the Coffeehouse Seventeen stories illustrating the validity and vitality of everyday spirituality.